Feasibility study of dealuminated kaolin utilization in marine constructions
Marine environment, sulfate attack, blended cement, dealuminate.Abstract
In the marine environment, the resistance of cement structures to salts is the most critical factor affecting their life span. We investigated the sulfate attack of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and dealuminated kaolin (DK) blended cement in the marine environment. The performance of this cement was assessed by immersing the mortar specimens in fresh seawater for one year and measuring the strength development, reduction in compressive strength, expansion due to (SO42-) penetration, and weight change of the mortar specimens using the standard test methods. The results proved clearly that 7.5% (DK) blended cement mortar specimen is the best achieved the lowest reduction in compressive strength (10%), a relatively small weight gain (0.62%), and expanded to less than 0.10% at 1-year exposure so it is considered sulfate resistant.
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