Prediction of strength and shrinkage of ternary blended concrete with fly ash, slag and silica fume
Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), fly ash, silica fume, slag, long term performance, shrinkage, durability.Abstract
In the recent years, there has been increased in concern on shrinkage response of concrete systems as abundant cases of premature deterioration were reported. The major factors affecting the deterioration of a concrete system are quality, composition and the surrounding environment. In connection with this, the work concentrates on the study of long-term effects on materials used in the concrete (supplementary cementitious materials SCMs) such as fly ash, slag and silica fume as a blended concrete system. To carry out the experimental work, nine concrete mixes were designed for varying proportions of SCMs and w/b. Evolution of compressive strength, elastic modulus, shrinkage and selected durability parameters were tested under a controlled laboratory condition. Based on the work, it was found that the inclusion of fly ash, slag and silica fume on the concrete systems enhance the compressive strength in long-term, also the shrinkage response of the ternary systems shows a substantial reduction in the measured strain. Durability performance like chloride penetration and sorptivity had a better performance in comparison with the conventional concrete systems.
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