Axial compressive behavior of short tie-columns with strapping spiral ties
Spiral ties, strapping ties, tie-columns, experimental test, fracture energyAbstract
Spiral ties with rectangular cross sections have been developed as a new technology in construction, reducing the workforce in the reinforcement production series, because the worker does not have to place the tie reinforcement for the columns on the construction site. In this paper, a new type of tie was evaluated in short tie-columns subjected to axial compression to be applied in confined masonry. A comparison was made in this paper among spiral ties, with circular and rectangular cross sections, and traditional closed ties. The main aim of this research is to prove that these rectangular cross-section spiral ties can be used in tie columns for confined masonry structures. Twenty-one specimens were tested to investigate their structural behavior. As a part of the results, maximum loads, strains, load-displacement curves, and stress-strain relationships, were obtained based on testing standards, for both specimens and component materials. In addition, the fracture energy in compression and the ductility index were assessed. These results demonstrate that spiral ties with rectangular cross sections have an efficient structural response compared to traditional and circular spiral ties.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Milena Mesa-Lavista , José Álvarez-Pérez, Jorge H Chávez-Gómez, Gerardo Fajardo San Miguel , Diego Cavazos de Lira, Fabián Ruvalcaba-Ayala

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