Tool for the integration of building performance information within the BIM process
Building Performance, information integration, tool, project phases, BIM.Abstract
Decision-making regarding building performance in all construction project phases is a complex task. This article addresses the challenge of managing building performance information throughout construction project phases. It proposes a tool that assists in verifying the building performance requirements for different stakeholders and supports the integration of this information within the BIM process. The developed tool allows the launch, monitoring, and creation of a database with information about the project, the work, and the stakeholders. A practical study was chosen to test this tool. Its result is particularly meaningful to all stakeholders, as it prioritizes the information and underlying activities for the collaborative project development among the participants. In summary, the information integration related to the requirements to guarantee the building performance, co-related to the construction project development phases, is essential for improving internal processes. It is worth mentioning that managing this information is not a simple process and requires contextual knowledge, leadership, and management and communication skills.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Francielle Coelho dos Santos, Michele Tereza Marques Carvalho, Maria Carolina Gomes de Oliveira Brandstetter

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