Semi-active structural vibrations control with magneto-rheological damper based on the hybrid fuzzy sliding mode controller
Semi-active control, Fuzzy sliding mode, MR damper, Vibration suppression, earthquake excitation.Abstract
Recently, the semi-active control of structural vibration has demonstrated its ability to preserve human life and keep structures safe during earthquakes. In the civil engineering area, the literature is full of investigation in both numerical and experimental research in which the Magneto-Rheological damper is the most used device. This paper investigates the semi-active control of three scaled excited structures. The proposed control is assured by a Magneto-Rheological damper controlled using a hybrid Fuzzy Sliding Mode controller. Although, a Clipped optimal algorithm is proposed to calculate the required current for the damper operating. Otherwise, the robustness of the suggested controller is proved by the obtained numerical results of the seismic excited scaled structure. Therefore, the tested structure is subjected to four time-scaled earthquake records. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed semi-active control strategy in mitigating earthquake structural vibration is shown clearly in the compared controlled and uncontrolled responses. The simulation results show that the peak reduction reaches 65% under the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake. In addition, the performance indices prove the robustness of the proposed strategy.
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