Value-added waste substitution using slag and rubber aggregates in the sustainable and eco-friendly compressed brick production
rubber aggregate, copper slag, recycled waste, mechanical properties, microstructureAbstract
The current study aimed to analyse the viability of incorporating the post cryogenic discarded rubber and the air-cooled slag as an aggregate in partial replacement of stone dust in fly ash bricks production. A range of mechanical, non-destructive, and microstructural tests was performed on bricks thus produced by incorporating rubber and slag aggregates in various dosages (i.e., 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% by stone dust weight). The result revealed that the compressive strength dropped from 71 to 43 % in the case of rubber aggregate replacement. Morphology study confirms that the rubber aggregates resulted in the porous microstructure of the bricks and leads to lesser unit weight and lighter structure. The rubber may be used as a lightweight aggregate in the brick possibly as it reduces the density of the final product. However, the use of rubber in bricks needs to be cautiously designed to get hold of productive solutions at the end. The findings demonstrate that the copper slag substitution of up to 15%, found to be enhanced the strength properties and it will be a better choice for low-cost construction as a promising alternative construction material.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Praburanganathan Selvaraj, S Chithra, N Divyah, Sudharsan N, Yeddula Bharath Simha Reddy, Vigneshwaran S

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