Performance evaluation and strengthening of reinforced concrete buildings
existing buildings, non-linear analysis, seismic codes, sstrengthening techniquesAbstract
In view of the past earthquakes, it is stated that several structures are located in active seismic zones around the world. So, improvement of the earthquake performance levels of the existing buildings by using various strengthening methods has been the major interest in structural engineering. Non-linear analysis procedures that are defined in several seismic codes exhibit reliable results in the evaluation of seismic performances of existing buildings. In this study, seismic performances of three, five and eight storey existing and strengthened reinforced concrete buildings having the common floor plan, material and section properties of the structural members are investigated according to Turkish Building Earthquake Code-2018 and American Standard, ASCE. To obtain the earthquake performance results of reinforced concrete buildings, displacement demands of the buildings have been obtained and utilized in nonlinear analyses. SAP2000 structural analysis software is used in the solutions. The determined strengthening techniques are provided by adding concentric steel bracing members to existing reinforced concrete buildings and jacketing of the determined columns. As a result of non-linear analyses applied to the existing and strengthened buildings, damage situations of the structural members are determined, seismic performances of the buildings are evaluated according to both codes and the results are interpreted in the end.
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