Effect of industrial wastes on self-cleaning properties of concrete containing anatase-TiO2
Photocatalysis, titanium dioxide, blast furnace slag, fly ash, sepioliteAbstract
Concrete decomposing the organic compounds on because of natural or anthropogenic contaminating sources with photocatalysis existing in its structure is called self-cleaning concrete. In this study, the self-cleaning concrete with industrial waste has been searched from the point of mechanical and physical characteristics. Fly ash, blast furnace slag and sepiolite materials has been used as industrial waste in concrete. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) has been used as photocatalysis material. Specimens with the dimensions 15×15×15 cm were produced using 0 %, 10 %, 20 % and 30 % industrial wastes and 0 %, 1 %, 3 %, 5 % TiO2 by weight instead of cement. Compressive strength, unit weight, and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests were performed on the specimens after 28 days standard cure. Rhodamine-B test in Italian UNI 11259 standard and additional Phenantroquinone test have been performed as self-cleaning test. XRF test also has been made on some of the samples for the chemical analysis. The best photocatalysis performance has showed in the concrete including 5 % TiO2. Test results show that 10 % use of industrial wastes in self-cleaning concrete production is recommended from the point of economic and environmental benefits.
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