Experimental characterisation of a cement-based compound with recycled aggregates and EPS from rehabilitation work
Recycled fine aggregates, construction materials, sustainability, construction and demolition waste, polystyreneAbstract
This article presents the results of an experimental characterisation of the physical and mechanical properties of a cement-based compound that
includes recycled fine ceramic aggregates and EPS for various dosages from rehabilitation work. The aim of this research is to propose a new
construction material, developed in Argentina, for its future adaptation to Spanish and European regulations in order to minimise the
environmental impact, improve energy efficiency and reduce construction costs, as well as provide a solution to the problem that CDW
(Construction and demolition waste) management represents. Tests results show that when increasing the amount of recycled fine aggregates and
EPS, the mechanical resistance is reduced in comparison with traditional sample products. By adding recycled EPS, it is observed that a proportional
reduction of the thermal conductivity occurs, thereby improving its thermal properties. Furthermore, it is found that the degree of water absorption
is similar to that of the reference samples, and fire tests show that its behaviour is also equivalent, thereby showing that this new material has low
smoke emission and low flame spread.
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